Abnormalities of ear ossicles

Otitis media: Inflammation of the anatomical structures of the middle ear, which is most often caused by an infectious process. Symptoms include erythema and edema of the tympanic membrane, pain, and possibly fever.

Endpoint definition

Long name Abnormalities of ear ossicles
Hospital Discharge registry ICD-10: H743
Cause of Death registry ICD-10: H743
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 3
First defined in version DF2
Latin name Aliae abnormitates acquisitae ossiculorum auditoriorum

Summary Statistics

Key figures

All Female Male
Number of individuals 34 25 9
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.02 0.02 0.01
Mean age at first event (years) 50.77 49.51 54.27
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 2.94 4.00 0.00

Longitudinal metrics

All Female Male
Median nb. of events per indiv. 2.0 2.0 2.0
Recurrence at 6 months (%) 52.94 56.00 44.44

Survival analyses between endpoints


before Abnormalities of ear ossicles
after Abnormalities of ear ossicles

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Drugs most likely to be purchased after Abnormalities of ear ossicles