Postpolio syndrome

postpoliomyelitis syndrome: Postpoliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) is a neurologic disorder characterized by the development of new neuromuscular symptoms such as progressive muscular weakness or abnormal muscle fatigability occurring in survivors of the acute paralytic form of poliomyelitis (see this term), 15-40 years after recovery from the disease, and that is unexplained by other medical causes. Other manifestations that can occur gradually include generalized fatigue, muscle atrophy, muscle and joint pain, intolerance to cold, and difficulties sleeping, swallowing or breathing.

Endpoint definition

Long name Postpolio syndrome
Hospital Discharge registry ICD-10: G14, ICD-9: 138, ICD-8: 4499
Cause of Death registry ICD-10: G14, ICD-9: 138, ICD-8: 4499
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 3
First defined in version DF2

Summary Statistics

Key figures

All Female Male
Number of individuals 38 22 16
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.02 0.02 0.02
Mean age at first event (years) 49.17 48.86 49.61
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Longitudinal metrics

All Female Male
Median nb. of events per indiv. 1.0 1.0 1.0
Recurrence at 6 months (%) 5.26 4.55 6.25

Survival analyses between endpoints


before Postpolio syndrome
after Postpolio syndrome

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Drugs most likely to be purchased after Postpolio syndrome